A twelve-week system that teaches you to retrain your brain to embrace a healthy lifestyle
The brain is the command center of the human body. Change it, and the body follows. This is the wisdom that Stanford physician Dr. Kelly Traver employed when developing The Healthiest You, her mind-expanding and waistline-slimming system for getting into shape—and staying that way.
Using the most cutting-edge research in neuroscience today, Dr. Traver first developed The Healthiest You system with her patients in mind, and she saw it deliver successful results in a short time: 98 percent of Dr. Traver's patients lowered their blood pressure, 15 percent reduced their body fat, and an amazing 100 percent lowered their cholesterol. Over the course of just twelve weeks, listeners can achieve similar success by following Dr. Traver's "Learn It, Personalize It, Live It" plan. With simple, straightforward instructions, Dr. Traver tells listeners how to outsmart their own brain by rewiring the stubbornly change-resistant organ so that it not only accepts healthy lifestyle habits, it embraces them.