Have you ever wanted to create beautiful sculptures and unique furniture that could last for centuries?
Or, are you just looking for a new hobby?
In any case, it's time to learn woodworking!
Woodworking is one of the most ancient and universal crafts known to humankind. Wood is easy to carve, beautiful, and practical because you can make pretty much anything out of it - from spoons to wardrobes. You can create plastic-free toys for your children, valuable heirlooms, everyday objects, and much more!
But how do you get started? Do you just find a random piece of wood in the park and try to cut it with a random knife? (Spoiler: You could try this, but you'd just get frustrated.)
This book will teach you the basics of woodworking. It will show you how to use the most important tools, choose the best wood for your goals, and apply key woodworking techniques. When you complete this book, you'll be confident enough to continue learning on your own!
Here's what you'll discover in this book:
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