The Naked Socialist is about the world's greatest Success Formula. In less than a century it built a small segment of the human family–the United States–into the richest and most generous nation in the history of the world.
And then it came under attack — not from the outside, but from within its own borders. It was the return of seven ancient ideas, the seven pillars of socialism.
The term socialism embodies all forms of political power that seek unbridled control over others. There is nothing new in these ideas — they have a thousand names and are as old as human history. Today, they are back.
Is there a way to abolish socialism and restore freedom? Discover the liberating principles that were embraced by ancient Israel, Rome, the Anglo-Saxons, and Colonial America. These same ideas are within reach today, and the most important task of this generation is to rediscover them.
What is socialism? Can socialism really work?
What is freedom and self-government? Is it better than socialism?
What is socialism's footprint in history? Is it a good or bad path to follow?
The Naked Socialist explains what socialism is, and tells the story of socialism's rise to power around the world and throughout history. It also explains the rise of socialism in America and how it has impacted its freedom, culture and economy.