A most thrilling and captivating tale for readers of all ages
Menarm was a great and prosperous kingdom, known throughout the land for its friendly, hardworking people and fair trade. But a bitter struggle of succession between twin brothers left the kingdom devastated, the people divided. Some stayed with Fenil, who had conquered the crown, others followed Renil to the wild lands of the north, founding a new kingdom.
Now Adren, the last princess of the newly vanquished realm of Menarm, finds herself alone in a world where women live in the shadows of men. Not only must she battle her enemies, but also a truth that could obliterate her last hope for happiness and bring dishonor to all those whom she holds dear. On her quest, she finds unlikely allies in a powerful prince and a defiant mercenary, only to be devastated by an ancient and wily elf.
Will Adren be able to survive this final assault?
The Elf and the Princess is a brilliant tale of high adventure, true love and medieval-style warfare between elfs, orks, and mankind. Drawing inspiration from the myths and legends of Europe and from such writers as Tolkien, Anna del C. Dye spins a completely original tale that will leave the readers wanting more.
... Anna del C. Dye has done an absolutely spectacular job at turning this into a book that lures both young and old readers alike. I think I can describe it best by com-paring it to Harry Potter. With that series, any age group can read it and fall in love with it. This is the same for The Silent Warrior Trilogy; I loved it, my ten-year-old cousin would love it, and my mother would love it. This alone proves the immense talent of Anna del C. Dye.
– Front Street Reviews